Revolt - by Sally Dansgezellschap Maastricht
Will you join or do you stop? Are you moving along or will you stay behind?
Revolt is a turbulent dance performance that reflects the spirit of our time. In this production six young dancers expose their hearts and souls and thereby touch younger and older spectators similarly. By choosing their individual protest the performers revolt together.
Premiere: 2015 (The Netherlands)
Concept & Choreography: Stefan Ernst & Ronald Wintjens
Dancers: Patrizio Bucci, Luis Ricardo Pedraza Cedrón, Morgane Michel, Reginald Lefebvre, Gino Taytelbaum, Charlotte Petersen
Choreographic material: Itzik Galili, Stephen Shorpshire & Martin Harriague
Costumes: Thera Hillenaar & Mieke Kockelkorn
Stage design: Janco van Barneveld
Light: Otto Eggersgluss
Trailer // Revolt
‚A series of imagery displaying power and integrity.‘ by
‚Rebellion and Comfort in a breathtaking dance performance‘. by ZwartGoud